Thursday, September 3, 2009

Will There be a New Robin Hood?

The King John of England you know about probably from Robin Hood stories or a Robin Hood movie, blatantly abused his power, surrounded himself with corrupt thugs, and mercilessly raised taxes, abused his power, worked against own people.

The silver lining in any cloud of political abuse of power is that the end result of a political view becomes more apparent. Because King John disrespected his subordinates and acted unbecoming of King, or ignobly, his own nobles forced him to sign the Magna Charta, which began the move away from total monarchy and toward more self-government and representative government. You could say it paved the way for a Declaration of Indpendence centuries into the future.

Our current government seems to be leaning towards a "ruling" class, not citizen-statesmen, elected to be servants of the people. Liberal pundits even talk about the current political leaders "ruling" the people, not "serving" the people.

Nowhere in our founding documents does it state that citizens are to be "servants of Obama" as the latest propoganda video proposes.

Who will stand up for our constitution or will we as people continue to allow it to be gradually thrown into the dust bin of history. Who is going to be our new Robin Hood?

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